Antibacterial Activity of thanol Extract and Ethylacetate Fraction of Casia Alata Leaf from Kendari-Southeast Sulawesi


  • Nurlansi Nurlansi Chemistry Department, Mathematics Education and Science–Haluoleo University, Kendari, Indonesia
  • Jahidin Jahidin Chemistry Department, Mathematics Education and Science–Haluoleo University, Kendari, Indonesia



Casia alata, ethylacetat ftaction, antiba c teri a activity


Active compound extracted from Casia alata leaf was obtained from methanol extract and ethylacetat fraction. Based on research, anti bacteria activity of methanol extract of Casia alata  at concentration 6 mg/mL  gave high inhibition of the growth of positive gram bacteria colonies of B. cereus  and S. aureus  with inhibition zone 11,0 mm  and 16,1 mm and gaves negative inhibiton of negative gram bacteria  colonies of E. coli and  S. typhi with inhibition zone 11,6 mm dan 5,9 mm. Ethylasetat fraction showed higher zone inhibition then methanol extract. Based on research result it was show that ethylacetat fraction gaves strong inhibition of the growth of positive gram bacteria colonies of  B. cereus  and S. aureus  with inhibition zone 18,1 mm  and 14,3 mm, and gave moderate inhabitation for negative gram bacteria  colonies of coli and  S. typhi with inhibition zone 9,0 mm and 5,7 mm. Separation result  of ethylacetat fraction using coloumn chromatography with silica gel G60 F254 ­as stationary pahase showed that ethylacetat fraction  with  the same concentration at 6 mg/mL show higher inhibition effect  especially for  positive gram bacteria colonies of B. cereus  and S. aureus  with inhibition zone 24,2 mm  and 24.0 mm.

Key Word:  Casia alata,  ethylacetat ftaction,  antibacteria  activity


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How to Cite

Nurlansi, N., & Jahidin, J. (2016). Antibacterial Activity of thanol Extract and Ethylacetate Fraction of Casia Alata Leaf from Kendari-Southeast Sulawesi. Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry, 3(3), 219–223.